Mental Health: 10-morning practices to improve it
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Mental Health: 10-morning practices to improve it

Mental health is a very important subject, particularly in this day and age where our daily lives can be so brutally intricate to navigate. With all the pressure of the job, social media, information overload, etc. getting a positive start to the day matters a lot.

Here are the best tips to improve mental health:

1. Start with Gratitude

  • Why It Matters: The polarity of gratitude as a potent emotion and its significant impact on mental health. Incorporating gratitude practice into your daily routine will help you transition your focus from lack to abundance first thing in the morning.
  • How to Practice It: Keep a gratitude journal by your bedside. Record three items each morning that you are thankful for. Of course, this can even be as benign as knowing the comfort of your own bed, the warmth of the sunshine, or the support of a friend. Doing so will start your day with some positives consciously, which will set the right tone for the days to come.

2. Morning Meditation

  • Why It Matters: Meditation lowers stress, anxiety, and depression and raises mindfulness and emotional wellbeing. It allows you to ground yourself before the madness of the day takes over.
  • How to Practice It: Just start with 5 minutes of meditation. It also can be practiced in a quiet space where you can sit easily while paying attention to breathing. Use apps such as Headspace or Calm to help you with simple meditation practices.

3. Physical Exercise

  • Why It Matters: Endorphins are like super-charged, natural anti-depressants. Additionally, it cuts the body’s stress hormone levels, like adrenaline and cortisol.
  • How to Practice It: Add exercise into this morning period with an activity you enjoy. You could do a fast-paced walk, yoga, go to the gym or even dance at home to move to your favorite music. The trick is just consistency, so pick something you actually want to do.

4. Healthy Breakfast

  • Why It Matters: Nourishment is important for mental health A nutrient-rich breakfast – like those containing whole grains, proteins, and good fats, can boost active alertness and mood for a more productive day.
  • How to Practice It: You should eat an adequate portion of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates, and you can opt for scrambled eggs with avocado and wheat toast. Oatmeal with fruits and nuts, avocado toast, or a smoothie with greens, protein powder, and berries. Stay away from sugary cereals and pastries, both of which often make us crash later in the day.

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5. Digital Detox

  • Why It Matters: Getting up everyday to a wall of notifications, emails and social media can be so stressful. Your focus in the morning starts in a digital detox.
  • How to Practice It: Make the first hour of the day a no-phone zone. Instead, take this time to meditate, exercise, and make as part of your morning routine. It can make the upcoming day less demanding, and you more in control, and less reactive.

6. Set Daily Intentions

  • Why It Matters: Intention setting keeps you on track to prioritize what’s important and commits you to making your actions a true reflection of your goals. It can help you take charge of your day instead of having your day run you.
  • How to Practice It: Now, after your meditation or exercise, take few moments to set your intentions for the day. The goals you set for yourself can be either personal or professional, something as simple as I will keep my cool in the meeting, all the way to I will walk during lunch. Writing them down can help you keep them.

7. Practice Mindfulness

  • Why It Matters: Mindfulness is being in the moment, completely available to the moment. It can make you less stressed, more observant, and calmer.
  • How to Practice It: Practice living with mindfulness during your morning activities, paying attention to every detail! Feel the water against your skin when you shower, the flavour and texture of your food or the sounds you hear while walking. For example, apps such as Insight Timer include guided mindfulness practices that can be practiced in as little as five to ten minutes.

8. Read or Listen to Something Inspirational

  • Why It Matters: Positive and Inspirational Content – Kick off your day by warming up the mood and the motivation. It helps to nourish your brain with good thoughts before attacking your day.
  • How to Practice It: Pick a book, Podcast, or video that uplifts you Spend 10-15 minutes with this content each morning. It could be a motivational speech, a chapter from a self-help book or you listening to a podcast on personal growth or development, doing this can prep you up for your day at the right note.

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9. Connect with Loved Ones

  • Why It Matters: Our support networks are crucial for our mental health. A deep connection can fulfill you and support system if you begin your day with one meaningful interaction.
  • How to Practice It: Use a few free minutes to talk, text or meet for breakfast with a spouse or friend. If your conversation inspires them, it will make you feel good about it and them as well. If you live with family or roommates, talk, not just ask, before leaving.

10. Plan Your Day

  • Why It Matters: A plan for the day gives you peace of mind and prevents disorganization. It helps you to keep your real priorities and not waste time.
  • How to Practice It: You might also plan out your day and make use of a planner or digital calendar for this. Organize it prioritizing your to-do list’s most important tasks. Doing it this way can give you a bit more sense of control, and it helps reduce that feeling of intense overwhelm.

Making These Practices Stick

Adhering to these morning practices will contribute significantly to your mental health on an everyday basis. However, consistency is key. Read on for some key tips to help you really enforce these habits:

Start Small

Do not implement these ten practices together. Do so with one or two to begin and add more as being part of your routine.

Be Flexible

That is just how it is, life happens and some mornings will be busier then others. Modifying routines based on time input is just fine. The idea is to have a regimen that nurtures your mental health – not creates anxiety.

Reflect on the Benefits

Reflect on the impact of these practices on your mental health. Write a journal to track how you are feeling and how much stress you are under. This thought can keep you going with your morning habit.


Beginning your day intentionally can drastically change your mental health and put you in a positive mood for the rest of the day. In this age of consumerism, the practices of the older generation offer a clean and easy means to enhance one’s welfare in the modern world. By including gratitude, meditation, exercise, a nourishing breakfast, digital detox, daily intentions, mindfulness, inspirational content, social connections, as well as planning you can develop a routine that boosts your mental health and allows mental strength during a busy day. Then why not practice these religious practices? It will make you feel better in both your mind and body.

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